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The LTAD Network is the preeminent coach education network for fitness and performance coaches around the world. Bringing together world class, international expertise in Long-Term Athletic Development, we also recognise the importance of connecting the dots and catering to practitioners working at all levels.

A global platform to connect, share and learn from qualified peers within the industry, as well as from our trusted experts who have unrivalled experience delivering prove, field-tested methods across a range of sectors. Our focus is on translating expert knowledge into practice, giving coaches the tools to unpack what they’ve learnt and deliver programmes in a way that makes sense to them, their athletes and their environment.


We also consider development in the sense that it applies to coaches as well.

Not only are we focused on resources, methods and information to develop athletes, but also to upskill those within the network. It’s our philosophy that coaches need coaching too, so we engage strength and conditioning leaders from around the world to support the personal and professional development of our coaches. 
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With such an abundance of information now available at our fingertips, there is even more of a need to discern between the good and the bad. Part of our aim is to collate and distill that information into a single supply of reliable, credible and trusted intel that follows industry best practice. 
We’re committed to providing a range of online and face to face opportunities to engage with us and others within the network as we continue to build a more informed and knowledgable coaching network.
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